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To indulge or to not indulge?

How will I stay fit whilst backpacking?

I know this is a lot of ‘pre’ trip blogging, buuuuut.... it’s helping with the planning process, kind of like a written version of how this is playing out, sometimes in my head it's a good idea but on paper, I suddenly see how bad these ideas are.

So, as the people who know me will know, I enjoy going to the gym and do pretty alright in the healthy eating department. Kind of concerned I'm going to enjoy each local cuisine a little too much and 3 months later be squeezed off the plane when landing back in the UK.

Not only do I enjoy the gym, it is my safe place, it's my comfort blanket and I'm sure exercise will be my familiar in unfamiliar environments whilst travelling. I am actually going to try and focus on fitness and healthy eating whilst backpacking (yes, I will make annoying posts about exactly what I'm doing) I am setting myself challenges (challenges are yet to be set, all open for ideas if you want to head over to the contacts page and send them over - play nice.. I’m sure I will manage to type up a whole longwinded blog about this)

Whilst doing a little (extensive) research I’ve got plans (In no particular order):


Self-explanatory, make the most of breakfast, most of the hostels I have booked have

international breakfast, lots on offer.. I will be that person with a doggy bag taking some out to eat throughout the day.

2. SKIP THE TRANSPORT AND JOG TO LOCATION (Like, within reason.. don't walk 30 miles, or do!)

Ok, this is one of those where it sounds all great in your head but putting it into practise may be an awful idea, but I am going to give this a good go, what better way to explore the location than taking the scenic route, especially if you get lost (Of course, all whilst being completely and utterly safe, Hi mum and dad! How's it going?)


Incorporating more activities into the journey, I've opted for quite a few National Parks, bike rides and walking/jogging tours (Jogging tours are a thing as I recently discovered) this combined with some strength-exercising and a TONNE of walking could do the trick.


Maybe because I have typed this three times I may actually remember to fuel my body with the water it needs. I have invested in this decent collapsable water bottle to take with me. It won't take much room in my backpack, it can easily be clipped onto the outside, it also doesn't look easy to break which is good, because I break a lot of things.


Calisthenics parks and outdoor gyms are places I will be keeping my eye on whilst backpacking, performing body weight exercises in the winter may be the death of me, again a good idea in my head but on paper… still something I will invest time in. I have been using this UBER SUPER HELPFUL website in addition to blog recommendations to find Calisthenics parks.


So I used to use this app/website, MEET UP, mainly during my first year of uni to meet people around the area, but now I think I will be using it again to find sport and fitness meet ups around the area I will be staying in. You get to meet more people, get fit either for free or a small fee and explore areas you may not have thought off. It's a win win win all round.


I am a lover of fresh products and home cooked meals, luckily nearly a month of my trip I have access to a kitchen… going to make the absolute most of this by making fresh meals with local goods. It may sound like a time waster but it is time invested in yourself, and time invested in yourself is never wasted time. (Say time or wasted again…)


Stick to the basics of being healthy, its mainly 80 percent in the kitchen and the rest being active.. avoid junk and sugar (obviously enjoy local treats within moderation). Fuel your body. Full credit to the inspirational Nomadic Matt (Check out his blog, its full of so much helpful stuff) with his ‘NEVER TWO IN A ROW’ rule, this is where you strictly don't eat more than two bad meals in a row. This is a tip I will have to really try and implement with all the distractions in every bakery window.


I am already quite a night owl/exhausted pigeon so this ones tough.

‘Dear Future Cat,

I understand there will be a lot of tempting late nights to chat with all the new friends you've just met, but sleep. Rest your body, get plenty of rest and take a few lie ins if necessary, it will be healthy in the long run. Love yo'self


Past Cat



This may be totally biased but I am completely OBSESSED with the guy (its a healthy obsession) he has really engaging content, the 'Lean in 15 recipes' will be amongst meals I plan to make when a kitchen is available and his youtube workout videos that I already use I know will be helpful when out and about, they don't all require equipment... he's also releasing a new workout DVD which when I get I hope I can take with me to use on my phone somehow. I'm sure there are loads more fitness pages and channels to follow but Joe Wicks will be mine whilst in Europe.

La Summary

Plan to incorporate some sort of activity into each location, wether thats hiking, biking of jogging.

Eat fresh real body fuelling food.

Drink the damn water.


Listen to your body, if it needs sleep, then sleep, if it needs food, feed it.

Whilst this is all physical health, keep the mind active and be in the right frame of mind, its ok to indulge a little too much, don't beat yourself up about it, just jump back on the health train ASAP.


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