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The 'WOAH' moment.

Once upon a Monday. I started my fairytale trip. 

It still hadn't sank in that I am actually starting my backpacking journey, even sat on the Eurostar venturing my way to Paris I just felt like I was taking the train back home after being at uni or something. 

Two and a half suprsingly comfy hours later we stop. Getting off the train I followed the crowd listening to the familiar tongue I know and understand slowly merge into a more song full but still recognisable tune, French.  

Finally clipping the 20kg of weight on my back (I've probably over packed, but the three pairs of trainers, extra large shampoo and conditioner bottles are necessary) I made my short journey to the hostel, I didn't use my GPS or a map, clearly my inner explorer had been awoken. 

Check in - Sweet

Unload bag in the room - Check

Toilet break - Made it.. Just!

Time to get lost.. 


I just randomly walked around, saw this big white thing on the top of the hill looking all pretty in the sun and headed straight towards It. It looked like a welcoming spot to finally eat my chicken sandwich that my dad had kindly made me before I had set off, it was warm and squishy but if you know me, I eat anything. 

So this big white building, formally known as Sacré-Cœur located on top of the Monmart Hill, I recommend going, day time and night time. It was one of those  beautiful views that really catches your breath. You can see far and wide and its free! Bonus. If you walk around at the top you can get a really gorgeous view of the Eiffel Tower. 

I had only been in Paris for one hour and already witnessed so much, a busker singing 'Hallalujah' in French and English to a sweet elderly lady who's husband was adoring her from the sidelines as crowds formed to see this moment. After, a Chinese couple having their wedding photos taken, again surrounded by crowds while the busker again made his way over and serenaded them. People weren't lying when they said this was the city of love. 

At this point I still didn't feel like I was travelling, it felt very homely, familiar.. Almost too comfortable. Why was I not getting that 'WOAH! I'm really doing this' feeling. 

Spoiler alert, that moment did eventually hit me, like a train.

After getting a quick dinner at a random biker pub I made my way back to the hostel, figured it was time to actually meet people. 

The hostel (St Christopher's Inn - Gare du Nord)  hosted a themed night, everyone got to make two mojitos, we were also in charge of how much alcohol we poured into our glasses. Of course I poured the alcohol sensibly, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8 shots of alcohol later (Drink responsibly guys, this was purely for Dutch courage) I finally met two guys, a Canadian and Australian both travelling solo too, I took the wheel and suggested we go to the top of Monmarte, see Moulin Rouge and see Eiffel Tower seeing as they will all be lit up. 

Best decision ever. 

Now heres where my WOAH moment kicked in. We shared a bottle of cheap €2 wine and arrived in front of the Eiffel Tower. I sat on a bench on my own closer to the tower and was memorised.

Now, every hour on the hour after 5pm the Eiffel Tower has a short light show. So when the clock struck 11pm the lights started flashing. 

I am in awe, and of course in true fashion, I cried 'silently'... 

'I am in Paris, I am travelling solo and I have just seen the Eiffel Tower light up at night' 


I know, cheesy. But that was my moment.

When did you get your woah moment? Let me know in the comments ✌🏼 

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